Anniversary: Cards & Frames


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Happy Anniversary!Someone Anniversary is coming, send your greetings and wishes now.
Anniversary: Cards & Frames allow you to choose from many cards which you can type your messages, or just send the readily e-cards. Or you can also select and use the Anniversary frames application to capture your photo and send your greetings.
Anniversary Cards & Frames feature:1. Anniversary cards that you can type your messages / greetings. 2. Readily e-cards that you can send instantly.3. Anniversary photo frames application to capture your photo and send your greetings.4. You can also set the e-cards as your mobile devices wallpapers or backgrounds.5. Instructions details are explained in the application.
An anniversary is a day that commemorates or celebrates a past event that occurred on the same date of the year as the initial event. For example, the first event is the initial occurrence or, if planned, the inaugural of the event. One year later would be the first anniversary of that event. The word was first used for Catholic feasts to commemorate saints.
Most countries around the world celebrate national anniversaries. These could be the date of independence of the nation or the adoption of a new constitution or form of government. The important dates in a sitting monarch's reign may also be commemorated, an event often referred to as a "Jubilee". Wedding anniversaries are also often celebrated on the same day of the year as the wedding occurred.
Anniversaries of nations are usually marked by the number of years elapsed described with Latin words or Roman numerals. Latin terms for anniversaries are mostly straightforward, particularly those relating to the first twenty years (1–20), those relating to multiples of ten years (30, 40, 60, 70 etc.), and those relating to multiples of centuries or millennia (100, 200, 300, 1000, 2000, 3000 etc.) In these instances, the anniversary generally comes from a derivative of the Latin word for the respective number of years.
Anniversary; Preferred term; Other terms½ yearly; Semiannual; N/A1 year; Annual; Paper2 years, Biennial; Cotton3 years; Triennial, Leather4 years; Quadrennial; Linen5 years; Quinquennial; Wood6 years; Sexennial; Iron7 years; Septennial; Wool8 years; Octennial; Bronze9 years; Novennial; Copper10 years; Decennial; Tin/Aluminium11 years; Undecennial; Steel12 years; Duodecennial; Silk13 years; Tredecennial; Lace14 years; Quattuordecennial; Ivory15 years; Quindecennial; Crystal20 years; Vigintennial / Vicennial; China/Porcelain25 years; Quadranscentennial; Silver Jubilee50 years; Semicentennial / Quinquagenary; Golden Jubilee60 years; Sexagennial / Sexagenary; Diamond Jubilee of monarchs70 years; Septuagennial; Platinum Jubilee of monarchs100 years; Centennial; Centenary / platinum jubilee
Happy Anniversary!